For the determination of amino acids many chromatography procedures are in recent decades have been described and also marketed, that should be faster and with more flexible devices, as it was possible with the classic amino acid analyzers.
All these procedures show method-specific weaknesses and deliver the reliable results as necessary in the routine application. Are amino acids accurately, reliably and independently by the respective sample matrix be determined, so offers not only for the traditional use areas such as food and feed monitoring, pharmaceutical applications and the clinical area - still the procedure with post column reaction, Ninhydrinreagenz and photometric detection at.
This method is proven not only for decades and still necessary in routine laboratories, but written in various official guidelines for the analysis of amino acids. Laboratory Onken GmbH has made the task to provide its decades of experience in the field of classical amino acid analysis to users of the amino acid analysis.
Lithium chemistry for physiological analysis and the Biochrom 30Plus is IVD certified.
Thus, it is the only amino acid analyser
may be used according to the IVD guidelines
PKU-and MSUD analysis for clinical diagnostic purposes.
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